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How to Generate Life Insurance Leads Using Facebook and Instagram Ads

How to Generate Life Insurance Leads Using Facebook and Instagram Ads

January 27, 20248 min read

How to Generate Life Insurance Leads Using Facebook and Instagram Ads

Are you a life insurance agent who wants to generate more leads and sales for your business? Do you want to learn how to create and run effective ads on Facebook and Instagram that target your ideal prospects? If yes, then this blog post is for you.


In this post, we will show you the exact steps we use to generate high-quality leads for the final expense industry using Facebook and Instagram ads. We will also share with you the copy and headlines that I use for my ads…


📍Why Facebook and Instagram Ads?

Facebook and Instagram are two of the most popular and powerful social media platforms in the world.


There’s a huge potential audience for life insurance offers on these platforms with billions of active users spending hours each day. You can reach people who are looking for final expense insurance or advanced market solutions in the criteria you’re looking for.


Meta offers tons of advertising tools that allow you to create and run ads that are tailored to your specific goals, budget, and audience. You can target people based on their location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. It’s also possible to track and measure the performance of your ads and optimize them for better results.


📍How to Set Up Your Facebook and Instagram Ads

Setting up your Facebook and Instagram ads is not complicated, but it does require some planning and preparation. Here are the main steps you need to follow:


🎯Step 1: Create a Campaign

Creating a campaign is the First Step to run your own Facebook Ads. A campaign is the highest level of your ad structure, and it defines your objective, budget, and schedule. To create a campaign…

A) Go to your Ads Manager and click on the green Create button.

B) Then, choose your campaign objective. It’s best to Lead Generation, which allows you to collect leads directly on Facebook and Instagram using instant form


C) Name your campaign and turn on the Campaign Budget Optimization option. This option allows Facebook to automatically distribute your budget across your ad sets to get the best results


Pro-tip: I recommend setting your daily budget to $50, which is enough to get 2-5 leads per day.


D) Set your campaign start and end dates. I like to start my campaigns at midnight and run them for 48 hours from the start date. This gives me enough time to test and tweak my ads before scaling them up.


🎯Step 2: Create an Ad Set

The next step is to create an ad set. An ad set is the second level of your ad structure, and it defines your audience, placement, and optimization.


A) Go to your campaign and click on the green Create button. Then, name your ad set and choose your audience. For the final expense industry, I target people who are 50 years old and above, and who live in Florida. You can also target people by counties or cities, depending on your preference.


B) Choose your placements. Placements are the places where your ads will appear on Facebook and Instagram. You can choose Automatic Placements, which lets Facebook decide where to show your ads, or Manual Placements, which lets you select the specific platforms and formats you want to use.


I prefer to use Manual Placements, and I select Facebook and Instagram Feeds, Stories, and In-Stream Videos. These are the most popular and engaging placements for lead generation ads.


C) Choose your optimization and delivery. “Optimization” is how Facebook decides which people to show your ads to, and “delivery” is how Facebook decides how often and when to show your ads.


The best optimization is “leads,” which optimizes your ads for people who are more likely to fill out your form. For delivery, the best option is Maximum Number of Leads, which delivers your ads as quickly as possible to get the most leads.


🎯Step 3: Create an Ad

The final step is to create an ad. An ad is the third and lowest level of your ad structure, and it defines your creativity, copy, and headline.


A) Go to your ad set and click on the green Create button. Then, choose your ad format. For lead generation, the best format is Single Image or Video, which allows you to use one image or video for your ad.


B) Upload your image or video. For the final expense industry, I use images or videos that show happy and smiling seniors, or that evoke emotions such as peace, security, and love. These images or videos help to capture the attention and interest of your audience, and to convey the benefits of your offer.


C) Then, write your primary text, headline, and description. These are the texts that appear above, below, and next to your image or video. They should be clear, concise, and compelling, and they should include a call to action that encourages your audience to click on your ad and fill out your form.


For the final expense industry, I use texts that address the pain points and desires of my audience…


Primary Text Sample:

“Are you worried about leaving your loved ones with a huge funeral bill? Do you want to protect your family from the rising costs of final expenses? If yes, then you need to act now and get a free quote for final expense insurance. Final expense insurance is a type of life insurance that covers your funeral and burial costs, and that pays out quickly and easily to your beneficiaries. It’s affordable, easy to qualify for, and doesn’t require a medical exam. To get your free quote, simply click on the Learn More button below and fill out a short form. Don’t wait, get your free quote today and secure your peace of mind.”


Headline Sample:

“Get a Free Quote for Final Expense Insurance”


Description Sample:

“Protect your family from the rising costs of final expenses. Click below and fill out a short form to get your free quote.”


🎯Step 4: Create Instant Form

Finally, create your instant form. An instant form is a form that pops up when someone clicks on your ad, and that allows you to collect their information without leaving Facebook or Instagram. To create an instant form, click on the New Form button and follow the steps.

A) Name your form and choose your form type. For lead generation, the best form type is More Volume, which minimizes the number of fields and questions on your form and maximizes the number of leads you get.


B) Add an introduction to your form. An introduction is a screen that appears before your form, and that gives your audience more information about your offer and why they should fill out your form. You can add an image, a headline, and a paragraph to your introduction. For example:

  • Image: The same image or video as your ad

  • Headline: “Get a Free Quote for Final Expense Insurance”

  • Paragraph: “Fill out this short form and get a free quote for final expense insurance. Final expense insurance is a type of life insurance that covers your funeral and burial costs, and that pays out quickly and easily to your beneficiaries. It’s affordable, easy to qualify for, and doesn’t require a medical exam. Don’t miss this opportunity to protect your family from the rising costs of final expenses. Fill out this form now and get your free quote.”


C) Add the questions to your form. These are what you want to ask your audience: phone number, email, and state. You can also add custom questions, such as their age, health condition, or budget.


Pro-Tip: For lead generation, the best practice is to keep your form as short and simple as possible, and to only ask for the information that you need to follow up with your leads.


D) Add a privacy policy to your form. A privacy policy is a statement that explains how you will use and protect the information that you collect from your audience. You can link to your own privacy policy or use Facebook’s default privacy policy.


E) Add a thank you screen to your form. A thank you screen is a screen that appears after your audience submits your form, and that thanks them for their interest and tells them what to expect next. You can add a headline, a paragraph, and a button to your “thank you screen”. For example:

  • Headline: “Thank You for Your Interest”

  • Paragraph: “We have received your information, and we will contact you soon with your free quote for final expense insurance. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (phone number) or email us at (email address). We look forward to helping you secure your peace of mind.”

  • Button: “View Website” (link to your website)


📍Need More Assistance?

Following this practical guide allows you to create and run ads that target your ideal prospect, capture their attention, and collect their contact information.


And if you want to skip all these steps and head straight to calling the leads… you can also sign up with us at Agent Lead Lab. We have a team of experts who will set up, optimize, and run your ads for you. Have high-quality, high-intent, and exclusive leads organized in a simple sheet for you every day.


Whether you choose to do it yourself or work with us, Facebook and Instagram ads are  platforms full of possibilities for growth in the final expense and advanced market niches.


Each day offers an opportunity to step towards building the future of your dreams.



Life Insurance Leads Through Facebook and InstagramGenerating FEX LeadsHow to Generate IUL LeadsHow to attract Life Insurance Leads
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