Pricing Table

Agent Lead Lab AI Dialing Package

Monthly Package

  • $497 per month

  • Reach leads 30 seconds faster (20-30% booking rates!)

  • Handles all lead types, even non-Agent Lead Lab leads.

  • Seamless data flow

Weekly Social Media

FEX Leads

Weekly Package

  • $725 wk - average 3 to 5 leads per day

  • $1075 wk - average 5 to 7 leads per day

  • $1475 wk - average 7 to 10 leads per day

Monthly Social Media

FEX Leads

Monthly Package

  • $2600 monthly - 90 to 150 average leads

  • $4100 monthly - 150 to 210 average leads

  • $5800 monthly - 210 to 300 average leads

High Intent Index Universal Life Leads w/ Landing Page

Monthly Package

  • $3297 per month

  • $4897 per month

  • $6397 per month

Would you like to get more high intent leads?

Weekly Mortgage Protection Landing Page Leads

  • $875 wk - average 2 to 3 leads per day

  • $1075 wk - average 3 to 4 leads per day

  • $1445 wk - average 4 to 5 leads per day

Aged Leads

  • $3 Per Lead Final Expense

  • $8 Per Lead Index Universal Life

  • $7 Per Lead Mortgage Protection

Agency Package

  • $5297 Per month

Unlimited Leads at cost for your entire agency

Final Expense

Compare plans

Choose your lead generation plan according to your goals.


Final Expense Lab Pack 1


Final Expense Lab Pack 2


Final Expense Lab Pack 3

Leads per day

3 to 5

5 to 7

7 to 10

Includes of Ad spend and

Management Fee

Average ROI 4x to 8x

4-person Lead Lab team ready to assist you

Ready to scale up

Customized Campaigns

Can only target States

Saves per month compared

to weekly




Best for virtual agents(still works for in-person agents)

Best to be licensed in 5 to 15 states for maximum results

Highest Tier Package

Exclusive VIP benefits

Best for agents who’ve been familiar with how Agent Lead Lab’s processes

Compare plans

Choose your lead generation plan according to your goals.


FEX Weekly Pack 1


FEX Weekly Pack 2


FEX Weekly Pack 3

Everything in Monthly FEX Pack




Average ROI 4x to 8x

Most Prominent Package

4-person Lead Lab team ready to assist you

Advance Market Leads

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)

Compare plans

Choose your lead generation plan according to your goals.


Advance Market Leads Pack 1

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)


Advance Market Leads Pack 2

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)


Advance Market Leads Pack 3

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)

Leads per day

1 to 3

3 to 6

6 to 9

Includes of Ad spend and Management Fee

Average ROI for New agents: 15% to 18%

Average ROI for Intermediate Agents: 17%to 23%

Average ROI for Advanced Agents: 23% and above

4-person Lead Lab team ready to assist you

Can target: Cities,Counties, and States

Saves per month compared

to weekly




Very good for newer agents

Customizable Campaigns (Ex. You can choose your wording among IUL/IBC/Infinite Banking/ Whole Life Insurance)

Target people based on your preference (You choose among IUL/IBC/Infinite Banking/Whole Life Insurance)

❗Need to be licensed on 5 states ❗

Compare plans

Choose your lead generation plan according to your goals.


Advance Market Leads Weekly 1

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)


Advance Market Leads Weekly 2

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)


Advance Market Leads Weekly 3

(Infinite Banking, IUL, Whole Life)

Everything in Monthly “Infinite Banking Pack”





No need to invest a lot in the front end

Disclaimer: We can't guarantee a set number of leads daily. On average, our weekly package generates 3 to 5 leads per day, that's what you can expect. Some days might bring 1 or 2 leads, while others may be 6 or 7. However, when you total all the leads received and divide by the days, your average should fall between 3-5. Some may even see around 6 leads daily, while others might have closer to 2 or 2.5 leads per day.

If you stop collaborating after 30 days, your generated prospects may be resold. These numbers are based on optimized situations. We always advise multiple states/cities to be licensed so that you can get more prospects. We want you to get the most prospects so that you can increase your sales volume.

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5810 Shelby Oaks Drive

Memphis TN 38134

+1 (878) 978-2574

[email protected]

Office Hours: 8AM - 8PM

Monday - Friday

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Final Expense

Advance Market


5810 Shelby Oaks Drive

Memphis TN 38134

+1 (878) 978-2574

[email protected]

Office Hours: 8AM - 8PM

Monday - Friday

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