Aged Leads
with Paris
Paris highlights that these $3 leads stand out because almost every prospect remembers filling out the form and knows what the call is about. Unlike other low-cost leads, there’s no confusion about the ad or false expectations. The most common objection is that they already got coverage, rather than not knowing why they’re being contacted. Paris, who prefers bulk cheap leads, finds these the best he’s used due to their clarity, inclusion of beneficiary details, and high recognition rate.
with Paris
Paris uses a straightforward and professional intro when calling leads. He introduces himself as a medical underwriter, verifies the beneficiary, and offers to provide his license information to build trust. If a prospect says they’ve already taken care of coverage, he responds by saying that’s exactly why he’s reaching out—to properly close their file. He then asks which company they went with. If they don’t remember, he offers to do a quick reverse search by asking about their coverage amount and cost, smoothly transitioning back into the conversation.
with Paris
Paris emphasizes that $3 aged leads are a great value, especially since they include beneficiary information, which is rare at that price point. He recommends agents buy at least 100 leads per batch for the best return. With this volume, agents can typically expect to close two to four deals, easily covering their investment and generating profit, depending on their commission structure.
Advance Market
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Office Hours: 8AM - 8PM
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