Agent's Expectation

How To Consistently Make 35k/month With Agent Lead Lab

with Tyler

Tyler shares how he scaled from $10K to $30K+ months using Agent Lead Lab’s Apex Ownership Package. He discusses lead strategy, efficiency hacks, and the benefits of owning his lead system to reduce costs and grow his agency. A must- watch for agents looking to scale!

If I get 100 Leads How Many Can I Close

with Giovanna

Giovanna emphasizes that success with leads is not just about quality but also the agent’s skill level. She recommends agents have some phone experience before working with high-quality leads to maximize their potential. With Agent Lead Lab’s leads, she experiences fewer objections, as prospects are typically aware and ready to talk. She consistently helps around 30 families a

month, closing about 25-30% of her leads, translating to strong returns. Her advice: refine your skills, work the leads diligently, and expect great results.

The realistic expectations for IUL IBC leads

with D. White

D. White stresses realistic expectations—out of 100 leads, he speaks to about 50, sets 20 appointments, and closes a strong percentage based on qualification. He highlights the importance of persistence, follow-ups, and name recognition over time. Compared to other vendors, he’s seen the best results with these leads, praising their quality and effectiveness.

IBC agent expectations for booking and closing

with Brandon

Brandon breaks down the expected conversion rates: out of every 10 leads, agents should book 5-7, with 3-4 showing up, and 2-3 closing. He highlights how people are actively searching for financial solutions, making them more receptive. Many prospects have already done research, making these leads highly engaged. The key is consistency, education, and guiding them to the right solution.

IUL IBC Intro and Expectations

with Somia

Somia keeps the intro simple, confirming the prospect’s interest in learning how to “become their own bank” and verifying their details. Instead of following a strict script, she engages in an open conversation, asking if they have specific questions or just want general info. The goal is to understand what they like about IULs and guide the discussion naturally based on their needs.

Agent Lead Lab - How many IUL leads can you close out of 100

with Nicole

Nicole keeps it real—out of 100 leads in March, she’s closed 16 so far, with more appointments still scheduled. She estimates about 17 total presentations, with only one or two not closing. She emphasizes that many prospects are busy business owners, so scheduling around their availability is key. While she hasn’t worked every lead yet, she confirms they’re high-intent and worth the effort.

Agent Lead Lab - Out of 50 leads how many can I book

with Kyra

Kyra shares her experience with in-home and virtual sales, emphasizing persistence and follow-ups. She estimates 10-15 bookings per 50 in-person leads with consistent effort. Initially hesitant about virtual sales, she quickly found success, booking 10 appointments in a day. She advises leading with virtual when possible and following up consistently for higher conversions.

Agent Lead Lab - Switching from Facebook vendors to lead marketing

with David

David shares his experience with third-party Facebook lead vendors versus Agent Lead Lab's leads. He highlights the high cost of vendor leads ($15-$30 per lead) and the difficulty of self-generating leads while trying to focus on sales. With Agent Lead Lab, he found a cost-effective solution that provides high-intent leads who know what they want.

Agent Lead Lab - Wylie Hawkins - Easiest Leads to close

with Wylie Hawkins

Wylie describes Agent Lead Lab's system as straightforward and one of the easiest leads to sell due to high intent and familiarity with phone-based transactions. He emphasizes the cost-effectiveness, noting that at $15 per lead, spending $1,500 on 100 leads can easily result in 10-20 sales, generating $10K-$15K in production. He also highlights upcoming training sessions to help agents maximize results.

Agent Lead Lab - Bryan Bowers - What Should Be The Expectations For Agents Calling These Leads

with Bryan Bowers

Bryan expects to write 1-3 policies per workday, closing 2-6 applications in two days a week. He credits high-quality leads for consistent results, emphasizing that calling enough will find laydowns. His advice: stay consistent, trust the process, and let the leads work for you.

What Are The Right Expectations To Have

with Scottie

Success with these leads depends on effort. Scottie calls 3-5 times in a row, follows up with texts and CRM automation, and uses the burner app with multiple numbers to ensure contact. Not everyone answers right away, but consistent follow-up and booking appointments maximize results. His advice: Stay persistent and don’t forget about anyone.

Agent Lead Lab - Andy Powlus - IUL expectations

with Andy Powlus

Expect a mix of high-quality and mid-range buyers. One in ten leads is a prime client ready to invest significantly in an IUL. Four out of ten may be interested but need adjustments based on their budget. Patience and persistence are key—some leads take time to convert. The goal is to secure a few big IUL deals monthly while also capturing smaller life insurance policies for those who don’t qualify for IULs.

Agent Lead Agent - Andy Powlus - Would you say the leads have been a success

with Andy Powlus

Andy discusses his experience with IUL leads, emphasizing their high intent and quality. He shares how, within just over a week, he closed two sizable policies with clients who were already educated and ready to buy. While some leads require follow-up, the conversion potential is strong, with a 10x return on investment so far. Andy highlights the efficiency of the process, noting that

the leads require minimal sales effort compared to traditional methods.

Agent Lead Lab - Brian Turner - Agent’s expectations Final

with Brian Turner

Brian emphasizes that these leads have higher quality with fewer wrong numbers or disinterested responses, but agents must stay persistent. Success comes from consistent effort, calling at different times, and working the leads properly. His key takeaway: Leads work if you work them

Agent Lead Lab - How Many Leads Should I Expect To Close?

with Oliver

Oliver highlights that these leads provide real opportunities, as prospects remember filling out the form. While he avoids setting exact conversion rates, he stresses that agents should expect engaged conversations where clients recognize their inquiry. Unlike aged leads, these don’t require reigniting interest—just guiding the client through their "why" and the solution. Success depends on how well agents work the opportunity.

Agent expectations for FEX leads

with Shareef

Shareef shares his real-world experience working leads, acknowledging that while he doesn’t meticulously track numbers, he consistently closes 3-5 leads per week from the 5-7 daily leads he receives. He emphasizes that results vary by agent effort, especially for those dialing all day versus those working part-time. His biggest takeaway? Just do the work, stay consistent, and the results will come.

Agent Expectations

with Shaqueena

Shaqueena shares her real experience with the leads, starting with a strong first week generating over $18,000 in production. However, she quickly realized that bad weeks happen, even though she didn’t expect it. She faced a slow period with low contact rates, but things picked back up the following week and have remained consistent since. Her biggest lesson? Expect ups and downs—bad weeks happen, but consistency is key.

Lead Quality

with Shareef

Shareef praises Agent Lead Labs for high-quality, well-targeted leads. Unlike other sources, most leads remember filling out the form and know what they want. The only minor issue is some assuming it's free, but overall, he’s happy with the consistency.

What agents should expect

with Shaqueena

Shaqueena shares that her trial period was a success, bringing in over $18,000 in one week. She highlights the key difference with Agent Lead Labs: prospects are expecting the call, unlike other vendors where people claim they never filled out a form. While some leads don’t answer immediately, working the lead properly ensures results. She emphasizes that these leads are highly engaged and ready to talk.

Agent Lead Lab - How many appointments are showing up

with Kyra

Kyra sees fewer no-shows with these leads and even gets callbacks. While she mostly sets virtual appointments, she realizes some could be closed on the first call. She builds trust by sending confirmations and plans to refine her approach further.

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